Welcome To The DevBlog

Wed Feb 14 2018

Hello and welcome!

It has taken me quite a while to get this up and running (mainly due to work commitments and part-time University study) but I have completed the bulk of my site! So, what is this blog for? The main site is obviously my main portfolio presentation, while this blog page will no doubt include my ramblings of how I am progressing in both my Web Development, University study and my various other projects.

That being said, I would encourage anyone to register for the DevBlog pages and contribute if you are passionate about any Web Development subjects or computing in general. I may develop the blog further into different sections at a later date, and there is bound to be further functionality in the future.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy DevBlog @ astinsley.net
Thanks for reading!

@astin77 - Creator & Administrator.